Hello to you all, Happy Easter! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend wherever you are in the world and looking after yourselves in these difficult times!
This is a little different to our usual videos and blog posts. I'm hoping that anyone who has been thinking about starting patchwork and quilting will see how easy this beginners tutorial is!
Tanya, one of our Students made her first quilt at The Sewing Shed earlier on this year. Here is a tutorial video to show you how easy it is too!
Now is the perfect time to start, learn or to dust off your sewing machine and get back into this wonderful hobby.
It's safe to say Tanya is truly addicted and loves sewing all the time now! Want to find out more?
Keep an eye out for upcoming e-classes for more.
Visit us on Social Media at 'The Sewing Shed'
#SewcialDistancing #Sewcation #TheSewingShed